Saturday, 30 June 2012

Golf Cake - 70th Birthday

A golf cake for a golf mad lady - Happy 70th Lainey!! Chocolate fudge cake with milk chocolate ganache. All edible except for the flagpole.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Star First Birthday cake

A very starry 1st Birthday cake for Logan. Marbled mud cake with white chocolate ganache with handmade decorations.

Number 2 cupcakes for the twinnies

Hot pink cupcakes for my beautiful Nieces who have just turned 2, Happy Birthday Ashlyn and Elise!!
chocolate fudge with white chocolate ganache then covered in fondant with handmade decorations.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Def Leppard CD Cake

So how does one integrate Def Leppard into a cake I asked myself?? This is what I came up with after a friend asked me to make her sister's cake, Happy Birthday Virginia! Choc mud with dark choc Belgian ganache...

Sunday, 10 June 2012

SAS Camouflage birthday cake

SAS Camouflage cake with dogtags - all edible.
Vanilla Madeira cake with milk chocolate ganache.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Marilyn Monroe black and white sparkle cake

Black and white themed Marilyn cake for a gorgeous 14 year old. Happy Birthday India!! Chocolate fudge cake with milk chocolate ganache.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

21st Birthday cake

Choc mud with choc ganache cake for Matt who loves penquins and the gym! Happy 21st! (Oh to be 21 again...)


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