Saturday, 28 July 2012

Skateboard Cake

 This young man was very particular about what this cake should look like for his
 12th Birthday, he sent me 3 photos of designs to incorporate into his cake! lol! I hope I did it justice, I have no idea about skateboarding! Happy Birthday Kye! I hope it was a good one...

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Music cakes

Happy Birthday Narelle!
Musical cupcakes with edible silver decoration, chocolate fudge with chocolate ganache and fondant.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

New York in the fast lane via the medium of cake

This photo was a bit of an accident but I love it!

Musical, New York, 40 cupcakes

40 Cupcakes for a 40th birthday, Happy Birthday Janine! 4 different designs, plain (with glitter), lovehearts with 40 on them and New York and music themes as the birthday girl loves the Big apple and music...chocolate fudge and vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream and fondant, all handmade and all edible.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Butterfly and Frangipani cupcakes

Chocolate fudge cupcakes with vanilla buttercream and handmade decorations, all edible.


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