Sunday, 23 December 2012

Santa stuck in the Chimney cake

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Not a new design but LOTS of fun to make, Orange and almond cake with milk chocolate ganache

Snowman Christmas cake

I wish I had way more time to get creative this Christmas, alas this wasn't the case, this cake is a bit of a regurgitation of last years Christmas cakes, still fun to make though....everything MUST sparkle at Christmas!!

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Pawprint cupcakes

A very last minute order from my Mum's friends who had a very sick dog and wanted to thank the vets who helped them through their Pup's illness. Choc fudge cupcakes

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Tom and Jerry Cake

A fun cake to make, picture was supplied by client, original design by Debbie Brown. Vanilla cake with white chocolate ganache.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Fondant Bikini Figurine Wedding cake

This is a different wedding cake to the others I have done so far!! The bride wanted something non traditional and figurines of her and her fiance on top clad in beachwear. Figurines and teeny tiny flower bouquet all handmade by me and edible except for toothpicks for strength and diamante/veil trim on bride, Fiddly but totally fun to make!

Friday, 7 December 2012

Peony Wedding cake

A beautiful simple peony wedding cake for a lovely lady, her theme is pink and silver. Chocolate mud cake with chocolate ganache. Happy Wedding day Michelle!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Trains and gym training cupcakes

Happy 40th to a man connected with trains and training!! Chocolate mudcakes with edible handmade decorations, all weights are stamped with respective kg which I couldn't capture in the photos.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Licence (number) plate cake

A licence plate cake for a mad licence plate collector, Happy Birthday Uncle Dave! Red Velvet cake with cream cheese buttercream and white chocolate ganache...above shows the invite the cake was inspired from


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