Sunday, 29 September 2013

Hoot Cake

2 Tier Hoot cake based on a design I made earlier in the year. I LOVE the colours on this cake. bottom Tier is a rainbow cake, top tier is French vanilla. Handmade Hoot made by me

Tiara ruffle cake

Tiara Ruffle Cake: Rainbow layer cake with Swiss meringue buttercream ruffles and handmade fondant Tiara. Oh I love these Tiaras so much it's almost wrong!!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Jungle Junction cake

Earlier this year I made a NZ inspired Koru symbol wedding cake for a lovely couple, this cake is for their gorgeous little boy turning 1. Jungle Junction themed Jaffa Mud cake - toys supplied by clients, palm trees made by me - Happy Birthday Talon!!

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Minion cake

Not an original idea as many minions have been created in the cake world this year, but I don't care, I love these little guys and I loved making him to. This is Jake's Cakes first minion, hopefully wont be the last!

Monday, 16 September 2013

Bottle of wine cake

Happy Birthday to my red wine lovin Dad!! A bit of a rushed cake for him, I had a few more plans for his cake but time got the better of me. Diabetic fruit cake with handmade decorations, he is also a fan of blue (aka sweaty socks) cheese

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Pirate George (from Peppa Pig) cake

The mandate for this cake was George from Peppa pig dressed as a pirate jumping up and down in a muddy puddle with a pond and ducks, clouds, sun, flowers and of course, Mr Dinosaur....I think I managed all of that! I tell you its hard to have a Peppa Pig based cake in the house with an (almost) 3 year old daughter!! Happy Birthday Lukas

Spiderman cake

Spiderman Cake: Oh I had fun making Spidey and I think I got bitten by the piping bug, web and writing piped with Royal Icing. Made for a super lovely family - Happy Birthday Kingston!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Baby rainbow balloon cake

A very colourful cake for a little boy's first birthday. rainbow layer cake inside. Figurine was taken from a photo supplied by the client (original artist unknown) - Happy Birthday little Darren!

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Black lace cake

This is the cake that I made yesterday at Kevin Chua's black lace course, I am loving this lace effect so will definitely be using it again in my cakes, although I might think twice before using black! LOL Thanks to Cake Love - Couture Cakes for the opportunity


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